The Wire did a little article on Rosalind- Furtherfields lexicon of 'new' new media words ... which reminded me of the terms I'm finding I have to invent for 'working' my own sound theory/ideas... I'm working of the notion of sound in data/language and am plying the notion of 'soundage' (my word) for a particular space of sound in language, against philisophic space and notions of the matrixial... but first heres a quote from the Wire article.
'Rosalind, is an upstart new media art lexicon, born in 2004, following a sheltered 9 month gestation. Feed Rosalind with your own words and definitions to express and declare what you are, what you do and the worlds you create, on your own terms. Influence and mutate her, help her to maturity...
Your words may :
- describe something very particular to your life/experience/work.
- be invented in a moment of desperation.
- arise in conversation with others.
- already be in circulation.'
click here to go strait to Furtherfield's Lexicon...add or browse...
heres some of their deliciouswords under 'D'
(or Diwo's, or Diwo groups) Expanded from the original term known as D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself). D.I.W.O 'Do It With Others'. Is more representive of contemporary, collaborative - art practice which explores through the creative process of using...
A contraction of Dada and Africa in acknowledgement of the too often unacknowledged non-western influence of Non-Western art on the European Avant-Garde.
1. To remove content from; make ancontentdrous. 2. To preserve by removing content from.
The Defastenists are a group of artists advocating a spontanious, energetic and self referencing approach to art
a sense of exhaustion and decathecting that occurs when a pornographic image no longer 'works' or when a half-read novel is picked up again - there's a sense of distaste, defeat. the word was coined from defuse, refuse, refuge, and represents a...
A wiki information-worker who takes pleasure in “maintaining standards” by regulating the flow of authorised knowledge and expression. Coined during discussion of Wikipedia Art at the MADE REAL exhibition at Furtherfield Gallery http://...
when one is a) fed up with trying to be a digital artist and realises that picking up an acoustic guitar might not neccessarily be a bad thing after all, and besides, catherine has left you now and if nothing else it'll give you fodder for songs...
The digital intelligensia, by analogy with 'literati'.
Self explanatory.
1) To remove the old unused code from a system (source:Zack Booth) 2) go dredge up some art! (
image: majena mafe - digital opera for funnels
In both my own research, writing and practice, I'm engaged with lots of word play. I've always ben interested in the need for broarder richer more evocative language frames, especially for women... We need more words and or another set of words to explain what we are doing/thinking/talking/sounding about...
I've been trying to come up with good terms to define sound in language, sounded language and the new arena I'm working on 'soundage,' I've named it as a particular space generated from my work/research. As a word its still in its opening phase, clearing its voice ... In terms of language I am thinking/talking of language as all sorts of data...text, verbal, image and sound based communications. These are the three definitions for my own lexicon, I'm working with at the moment ...
Sound in language can be described as the sense based auditory or visual emission initiated through forming language either in the mouth, screen, page or in the mind. The shaping of words/data or information. It can also be the sounds/images etc that are excess to that information, the slips and slurs of the mouth, the auditory drone of language as it is emitted over a period of intervals in space (be it architectural or page based) through time. The glitch, the … In Two: (a text by Gertrude Stein) this register or form of sound in language erupts as …
Sounded-language is the producing of the data/information, think verbal language, digital software as an assemblage the whole ensemble of language …(the complete complex of sounds in language make up the whole i.e. the orchestration of sounds within the system of language, I identify as sounded-language). This is a holistic view of language as a landscape/field of sound. (Stein quote on landscape goes here...)
Soundage is the intertwining of both language and the sound of it- this creates feedback that in turn expresses relationship as reverberation, binaries are dissolved in this space. It is a state not a thing as in Lyotard’s differend, pre-verbal in the sense of ... (to be added)
Soundage is the ‘sound’ (qualia/resonance) of sounded-language where sounded-language can be seen as an ‘object’ – i.e. an imaginary object generating imaginary affect (imaginary equals virtual i.e. conceptual) the affect of which could be called or acts like a thing called ‘love’ poetic awareness necessary to understand that a word is like a sea an ocean/it is material/ (this is Ponge) … to big for the mind to grasp as a reality i.e. a tangibility but as a intuition a concept a virtuality. Query its similar to Deleuze’s abstract machine and Object orientated Ontology’s ‘object’ that withdraws.
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