
... after the stunned silence ... on being asked why make a Women's Club?

... well first off I really don't want to waste a whole lot of time arguing with the guys or gals or anyone really why its ok for us GIRRLSOUND to exist. But given that 'one' will get asked, I've been putting together a (working ) mission statement - a general one  that these address these questions ... I'm posting these responses for feedback, so please tell me what your thinking is on this ...

* First off ... why not? Why not form an org. that supports and presents womens sound work? Is there a good reason not to? And whats wrong with a women's club? As a women I like women's clubs- they represent me. They are OK.

* This is a big one, sound arts and digital media is a male dominated field. Womens comments contributions etc are ignored, talked over, and  even removed from online forums... Wikapedia's a good example of this.  Its a field where women are chronically under-represented (less than 5%) I believe that women's mastery of sound expands the vision and voice of media and popular culture an is a vital inclusion.

*  I am interested in what womens unique relationship to sound is... this can be argued philosophically and theoretically as well as socially, culturally and historically

*  diversity and difference is good! there is plenty of room for a group focusing on women's sound there is not limited sound in the world.

*  we are invisible as a whole, I'm interested in what that wild mix is saying?

* Women do not speak up in mixed groups, the online forums are male heavy, there are very very very few female (commercial) producers, curators and or reviewers of sound art.

* Why not just build a web site on Sound Art? (another question) I have a website already about sound art its called that-unsound, and it features my research, its a collection space of links. I'm wanting to focus on an area of what I see is particularly fascinating, more relevant to women working in the sound arts, to me and to my own work, to the networking I am involved in and the research I am doing. I am wanting to focus on  networking, linking, collaboration and setting up projects for women in the sound arts. I'm wanting to provide a forum for discussion (uninterrupted) a place for presentation of work and a  frame for providing  curatorial frames and reviews  of women's sound works.

Why not just get on with making your own work?  (another question) I see this as my work, a part of my work ... part of sounding out- connecting making women's voices (techno or voice) amplified to such an extent that  its can be heard, and hearing what the 'sound' of their work is saying ...

So ... what do you think?
cheers Jena

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